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FEEL THE BEAT! with Heather

Heather Summers
Cine Sappho Magicnights

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A high energy and fun workshop using body percussion to create physical music together- learn, feel, enjoy RHYTHM!

Heather Summers has been creating and playing music all her life and loves sharing it with others. Founder of UK’s Women In Tune (WIT Festival) and multi -instrumentalist, performer and recording artist, she has spent decades lugging instruments and PA systems around the world.

She is very happy to have found a smart way of sharing music without having to carry all the gear, and will lead a high energy and fun workshop using body percussion to create physical music together- from body beat sequences and cup rhythms to poly rhythms as we make a samba band. We may even do some gumboot dancing without the wellies!

All we need are our hands, feet and bodies. Learn, feel and enjoy RHYTHM!