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Feminism and Power Dynamics in Kink

Tourist Board Conference Room

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For at least a couple of decades, BDSM was understood in feminist circles to be an erotic practice that replicated patriarchal, oppressive power dynamics (and that therefore was best avoided). However, that argument can only hold true if our sole model for holding power is patriarchy, and even colonialism, itself.

This workshop offers a deep dive into the de-colonization of the practice of BDSM, helping participants to unpack pre-existing assumptions and offering a multitude of alternative, sexy and uniquely co-empowering ways to understand, structure, and enjoy the practice of kink and erotic power exchange. No prior BDSM play experience necessary, but a general familiarity with the practice will be helpful.  

Headmistress Shahrazad is an established professional and lifestyle dominatrix of more than two decades, and the owner of The Ritual Chamber dungeon in Toronto, Canada. She is a former International Person of Leather titleholder and is passionate about the intersections of kink, power, healing and personal growth.  
Instagram: thealchemicalseductress 