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Find Your Funny Bone, with Dr Hilary
Buy your wristband here
Feel confident in being ridiculous! Feel ridiculous in being serious!
This is a workshop to help us lose ourselves in ridiculousness and laughter and to find our own unique funniness!
Discover your clowning side and how to create silliness and laughter through spontaneity, play, simple games and exercises.
Laughter has incredible effects on us physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. Somehow assumptions and expectations disappear and instead chaos, confusion and hilarious failures become the norm. We become lighter.
We’ll explore what makes us laugh and what we do that makes others laugh through our unique funny bone. We will discover how play and spontaneity, props and costumes can create laughter and connection between us.
Dr. (don’t ask me about your bad back!) Hilary Ramsden has over 30 years of experience as a clown, teacher, director and researcher. She has performed in theatres, streets, festivals, bars and shops.