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Hack & Bashit go caving (in the nether regions)

Sarah & Hilary
Old Town Hall

Buy your wristband here

In this quirkily surreal tale, DIY (Dyke-It-Yourself) experts and enthusiasts, Hack & Bashit, are summoned by mysterious female forces from afar. A mystical Greek beetle leads the pair on a journey across Europe to the isle of Lesvos where a vulvic cave of mythical proportions awaits their arrival.

Toolbelts at the ready, Hack & Bashit create a half-hour animated world of hope and humour combining puppetry projections, frisky-risqué performance and some delightfully live music.

Devised, drawn & performed by Sarah Green & Hilary Ramsden

With music by the Gypsy Queens: Nicky Glynn & Heather Summers